11 Peterborough football fans have passports confiscated as city centre patrols increase ready for Euro 2016

England fans enjoying the last European Championships in Peterborough ENGEMN00120120624205948England fans enjoying the last European Championships in Peterborough ENGEMN00120120624205948
England fans enjoying the last European Championships in Peterborough ENGEMN00120120624205948
There will be additional patrols in Peterborough city centre in the coming weeks to ensure football fans enjoy a peaceful and incident-free Euro 2016.

Euro 2016 is hosted in France and runs from Friday, June 10, to July 10.

During the tournament there will be additional patrols before, during and after England games and other significant fixtures.

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Chief Inspector Karen Newton said: “Our presence will be to maintain public safety and ensure fans can enjoy an incident-free Euro 2016.

“And that those who are not celebrating the tournament can go about their normal routine without disruption.

“We are working with pubs to make sure people do not drink too much alcohol and officers will take action to nip potential problems in the bud.

“We are not out to spoil anyone’s fun but we will not tolerate anti-social or criminal behaviour.”

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In Cambridgeshire, police have enforced football banning orders on 20 people, 11 from Peterborough and nine from South and East Cambs.

They were required to surrender their passports to police stations by June 1 for the duration of the tournament, unless they have been given exceptions to travel on holiday to location other than France during the tournament.