Why I am #proudofpeterborough

Paul BristowPaul Bristow
Paul Bristow
Paul Bristow, Conservative Parliamentary candidate for Peterborough:

Are you fed up with people talking down Peterborough?

Yes, our city has its challenges – but it also has great strengths which we should talk up.

We have excellent transport links by rail and road to London and to the North. We are close to trade routes heading to the ports on the east coast.

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Many national and international brands have decided to make Peterborough their home.

We have a skilled, hard-working workforce, and have welcomed people 
from across the world to make Peterborough their home.

We are an optimistic city.

But, I hear too often comments like ‘things were better when’ from some local residents, and a snobbish grin when I mention our city, especially from some from other parts of Cambridgeshire.

We should be proud of Peterborough. I have started my own small campaign on social media telling people about why I am #proudofpeterborough – and shall continue to do this during my bid to be the city’s next MP.

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I am confident that our best days are ahead of us and we can be very positive about the future.

Many other cities would look with envy at the footfall our shops and restaurants get every week on Bridge Street, Queensgate and Cathedral Square.

Things will only improve after the North Westgate development.

Housing is, in main, affordable in the city and the Mayor of Peterborough and Cambridgeshire Combined Authority has pledged to build more for future generations – both affordable homes and those that families would like to buy.

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It is a great place to bring up a family, lots to do including Ferry Meadows, cinema, and swimming pools. We need to do more to build a vision for our city as a place for families.

We will soon have a university and this should help attract the businesses of the future if it specialises in the right courses and skills.

So let’s be positive about the future of our city and what together we can achieve.

I will play my part talking up Peterborough at every opportunity, telling people what a great place this is to live and work.