Peterborough by-election should be about people and policy

Parliamentary candidate  John Whitby UKIPParliamentary candidate  John Whitby UKIP
Parliamentary candidate John Whitby UKIP
This election should not be just about BREXIT, it’s about people and electing a representative for this city for Parliament, writes John Whitby, UKIP candidate.

Brexit is important, vital even and as the UKIP candidate my position on this is clear. We need to leave, as soon as possible and cut all the ties that hold us within the EU. Only then can we negotiate a proper future arrangement. We will not get any form of deal if we approach it as a supplicant. Labour or Conservative won’t do this, and their wholesale rejection of their 2017 Manifesto promises to ‘respect the will of the people’ should see them thoroughly rejected.

The Lib-Dems don’t think you know what you’re doing and will helpfully do it for you.

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Voting for UKIP would have a huge shock value, make MPs take notice and make changes in many areas, including Brexit.

This city, like all, has problems and my job if I become your MP is to try and deal with these, the majority of which have their origin in Government policy. We need to focus our efforts and finances

within the UK to sort out many of the problems caused by government interference over past decades.

We’ve had the Council Grant cut by some £55 million over 7 years, while at the same time our population has risen considerably. We must turn around the cuts to local authority funding. This is after all your tax money, but it’s being withheld from the people who provide the majority of services.

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Education is in a similar position, less funding than it needs, more pressures and in addition the Academy Model has proven to be unfit for purpose, taking away local authority control from schools. This has seen schools failing and problems with financial management. We need to go back to a better system, not keep tinkering around the edges.

Health and Social Care have huge budgets, but much of the finance doesn’t find it’s way to where it’s needed, the front line. Elderly people should have the comfort that, should they need care, it will be

available, universally, at a high standard, without their having to sell their property.

Mental Health services are almost non-existent, which feeds the rough sleeping problems we have.

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Until we can put people with these issues into sheltered accommodation where they are safe and can get the help they need, then we can never deal with the issues, even worse, many of them are

ex forces who have been just dumped by the MOD, this is a national disgrace.

Policing is also an issue and while the Police and Crime Commissioner may say that ‘crime’ has declined, low level crime hasn’t and people now can’t be bothered to even try to report minor crimes. We must return to visible policing on the streets, not in the offices and the deterrent value that this brings.

Housing, Health Care, Taxation, the declining High St, all issues that need to be dealt with.

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The biggest problem, which drives all of this, is that Government have forgotten their primary role. To look after the people of this country. This is about people, not concepts. We are here to serve


John Whitby

UKIP Candidate.

Peterborough By-Election