New Peterborough Regional Pool car park moves closer as amended plans approved

The pool is currently closed after Legionella bacteria was discovered last week.

Swift progress is being made on the new temporary car park that will serve the Regional Pool.

The site, which is on land on the Embankment just south of Bishop’s Road is taking shape according to amended plans that have been approved.

The plans have been amended to remove proposed height restriction barriers, bollards and entry barriers, CCTV cameras have been moved closer to where the cars will be parked and the five accessible bays have been shifted slightly to allow space for the two ticket machines that will serve the site.

The existing small strip of car parking immediately left of the site has now been designated as a proposed bus lay-by and drop-of zone.

In total, 128 spaces will be provided in the car park that will be made from grasscrete and porous asphalt so the site can return to green open space after the five-year period is over or before if the car park is no longer required.

Tree planting will take place on the north and west boundary and hedge planting on the southern boundary of the car park to soften the appearance.

Documents state that the car park will be used whilst “an emerging embankment masterplan is being prepared to consider the use of the area and the university campus addresses parking provision in a more strategic way.”

The pool has been without a designated car park since February when the site was closed and handed over to ARU Peterborough to build its new Phase Three teaching building and ‘Living Lab.’

Cambridge-based company Coulson & Sons has been awarded the building contract for the project worth £801,000.

The total project approved is up to a value of £1,008,000 and will be funded by a grant already received by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, with the other half coming from the council itself.

The new car park is expected to be open by September.

Full designs for the car park can be accessed on Peterborough City Council’s planning portal by searching with reference 23/00700/NONMAT.