Peterborough Christmas Messages 2019: ‘May you know the peace and joy of Christ this Christmas’

Christingle service at Peterborough Cathedral. The Very Revd. Christopher Dalliston, Dean of Peterborough Cathedral 

Nat19 EMN-191220-191705009Christingle service at Peterborough Cathedral. The Very Revd. Christopher Dalliston, Dean of Peterborough Cathedral 

Nat19 EMN-191220-191705009
Christingle service at Peterborough Cathedral. The Very Revd. Christopher Dalliston, Dean of Peterborough Cathedral Nat19 EMN-191220-191705009
Dean of Peterborough the Very Rev Chris Dalliston

Things are never dull in Peterborough Cathedral and 2019 was another exciting year with the remarkable high point the Gaia exhibition – Luke Jerram’s representation of the earth slowly turning in the vast space beneath the tower. Visitors who saw it, especially at night found this a deeply moving reminder of the beauty and fragility of the earth inviting us to reflect on the urgent need to protect the planet and in so doing secure the future of all the peoples of the earth. Floods and fires around the world over recent months have only served to reinforce the increasing sense of urgency that many feel.

The first sight of Gaia for our visitors on entering the nave was, of course, of the great figure of Christ on the cross with its Latin motto meaning, appropriately enough: the cross stands while the world is turning.

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After a year of political, economic and environmental turmoil, it is that same Christ whose birth we mark once more this Christmas. God’s love is made visible in the vulnerability of a tiny child and that love underpins the whole universe. It also gives us the courage and strength to play our part in bringing healing and hope to our families, our communities and to the world itself.

For “to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God” So we look forward with confidence and excitement to all the new year will bring and meanwhile thank you for you for your support of Peterborough Cathedral and pray you may you know the peace and joy of Christ this Christmas.