Peterborough mosque raises thousands for Sue Ryder

The cheque presentationThe cheque presentation
The cheque presentation
More than £3,500 was raised for Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice in Longthorpe by mosque members in Peterborough.

A cheque for £3,740 was handed over from chairman of the management committee at Masjid Ghousia, Nazim Khan, to Sue Ryder representatives Caroline Graham (interim director of fundraising) and Joely Garner (local fundraising manager).

The presentation at the Gladstone Street mosque was organised by city councillor Ansar Ali, who said: “Once again the congregation of Masjid Ghousia have raised a considerable amount of money for a great cause.

“Raising money for charitable causes is a regular feature of the mosque activities and it makes me enormously proud to see this ongoing generosity from congregation members.”