Noshowasaurus! Peterborough’s dinosuar fun day wasn’t fair on the kids... or parents

Thornton on Thursday column with Peterborough Telegraph's deputy editor Nigel Thornton - on Thursday column with Peterborough Telegraph's deputy editor Nigel Thornton -
Thornton on Thursday column with Peterborough Telegraph's deputy editor Nigel Thornton -
Wow, the summer of 2019 (also known as Sunday, June 9) will live long in the memory.

Particularly in the memory of thousands of Peterborough parents who forewent the comfort of a cold tinny in their sunny back garden to schlep their way through city centre traffic jams to the Embankment.

RELATED: Organisers of Jurassic Park experience in Peterborough apologise after hundreds of complaints from angry families

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The reason for so many parents going above and beyond was their desire to thrill their dinosaur-mad offspring with the delights of a Jurassic Park Fun Day.

Thornton on Thursday column with Peterborough Telegraph's deputy editor Nigel Thornton - on Thursday column with Peterborough Telegraph's deputy editor Nigel Thornton -
Thornton on Thursday column with Peterborough Telegraph's deputy editor Nigel Thornton -

The advertising boasted, among other things, the chance to meet an 18ft T Rex. It was a huge letdown and I can vouch for that as I was there (unlike the 18ft T Rex).

It was essentially a fun fair with a small stall featuring the dinosaurs at its far edge (entering from the Key Theatre side you had to walk past many rides and food outlets to locate it) – but that was not the impression given by the advertising.

While my family was at the dinosaur stall we only saw a man wearing an elaborate glove puppet.

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But it was free, what do you expect, say the show’s defenders.

Well, what I expected was to see was what was advertised.

And, yes, it didn’t ‘cost’ me anything (except time in my back garden with that cool beer) but what price do you put on disappointing hundreds of small children?

No doubt many parents tried to cheer up their crestfallen kids by shelling out for rides, ice creams and candyfloss and all the fun of the fair.

As Yorkshire Mother often told me “life isn’t fair.’’

This event proved she was right... as usual.

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