Kids Out - having a fantastic time at Wicksteed Park thanks to Rotary

Kids Out - Rotary CornerKids Out - Rotary Corner
Kids Out - Rotary Corner
Rotarians were fortunate to have a fine weather window in the midst of the heavy rain experienced recently, enabling us to successfully run our flagship event, “Kids Out” at Wicksteed Park, Kettering, writes Rotary’s Janet Cooke..

This year 33 Rotary clubs got together to entertain about 2,300 children, who all had a fantastic day.

  Sadly, a few schools with severely disabled children opted out the day before because of the weather forecast, which was a shame.

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Coaches and minibuses disgorged their passengers and there was the usual aura of excitement as the children went into the park to enjoy a superb day.   For many it was the only such outing in the year.

Imagine all these children enjoying the freedom of the park for the whole day, every ride funded by Rotary.

The Kids Out charity once again supplied 2,500 caps free of charge.

The Peterborough effort was supported by all three Peterborough Rotary Clubs with a total of 251 children from the charity Little Miracles and local Peterborough schools, Heltwate, Marshfields and Nenegate.

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Eight Rotarians and family members bagged up the lunches ready for the influx of hungry, excited children taking a break from enjoying the many rides.

This fantastic event brings fun and happiness to thousands of disabled/disadvantaged children.

Many children have physical, mental or emotional problems. Others come from families who find it hard to finance outings such as this. The look of joy on the faces of the children as they ride on the train, roller coaster, swings, carousel, water chute and enjoy the many other attractions is a joy to behold. As in previous years everyone went home tired (including Rotarians!) but brimming with happiness. Hopefully, our picture captures the enjoyment.

“Kids Out” has taken place annually for over 20 years. Nationally over 700 schools take part making it the largest event of its type in the country. Across the UK approximately 500 Rotary clubs provide entertainment for around 25,000 kids at 100 different venues.

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All this is made possible by the dedication of Rotarians who give their time and support to make a positive difference to the lives of young people in our local communities.

It makes me proud to be a Rotarian.