Opinion: What’s happened to the Opposition?

Peterborough Town HallPeterborough Town Hall
Peterborough Town Hall
After last year’s local elections in May, Labour had 17 councillors in Peterborough. They now have 13, writes Peterborough MP Paul Bristow.

Elections have not affected this, only resignations and defections.

Out of all the Labour councillors who should be defending their seats this May, as I write this, I believe only two are re-standing.

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One councillor who has resigned is the former Labour group leader Shaz Nawaz.

I have a lot of respect for Shaz; I think he is a good guy. We obviously had profound disagreements, but he was always polite, and we even had the occasional laugh.

Ansar Ali is another former Labour councillor, now an independent. Someone who has been in Labour Party for years. Someone who - if Labour had ever formed an administration - you could see being given a position of responsibility and doing well.

I do not know the full details of either resignation – nor the other resignations or defections.

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But the question on my mind is, what has happened to the Labour Party in Peterborough? Why are you losing councillors like Shaz and Ansar?

Everybody wants credible opposition; it holds the Council to account and can help achieve better outcomes. In my mind sadly, Labour in Peterborough have just proved themselves not to be a credible opposition.

They are beset by internal issues and in complete disarray. The resignations and defections have come at pace over the last few months. Is there more to come?

On the other hand, the Conservative led council is demonstrating what a great job councillors can do for Peterborough when they are united and work together without squabbling.

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They have balanced the budget, which is something many Councils struggle with.

New figures have also shown a substantial increase in attainment levels for primary school pupils.

Peterborough moved up 15 places nationally in the period between 2018/19 to 2021/22 in standards for reading, writing and maths.

They have invested in new enforcement officers in our City Centre and are backing my plans for a new NHS Community Diagnostic Centre. I have strong hopes that they will also back my calls for zero tolerance for licensed premises that sell super strength alcohol to drunks, and on fly-tipping.

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Peterborough is moving in the right direction. We are a growing city. Together the Council and I have secured over £100 million for capital projects such as a new pedestrian bridge over the Nene, the Station Quarter Redevelopment, and City Centre regeneration. The next step is delivery.

But we need an Opposition with talented councillors to hold us all to account. Sadly, the Labour Party in Peterborough has fallen apart.

Resignations, defections and councillors standing down, (some of these very respectable councillors I might add) is not a good look for the second biggest party in our city.

How can they say with any credibility that they are the best choice in May?

They can’t even work together. How could they ever be trusted to run the council?