LETTER: Underpass would improve crossing safety and stop accidents

The scene of a collisionThe scene of a collision
The scene of a collision
Reference Editor's Comment and correspondence in last week's Telegraph concerning the potential for accidents at this crossing owing to pedestrians and cyclists not abiding by the traffic lights.

The first, as suggested by Nigel Thornton, is for a pedestrian footbridge.

If this were built, barriers should also be erected along the centre reservation of Bourges Boulevard and along the kerbside either side of the road to physically stop people crossing.

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The only downside to a footbridge would be to cause a separation between Bridge Street and Lower Bridge Street and beyond (e.g. Fletton Quays), whereby people would be put off going there if they had to climb steps or a ramp.

The best solution, but the most expensive, would be to build an underpass on Bourges Boulevard at this crossing point.

However, this would be very disruptive to both traffic and pedestrians/cyclists during the period of construction and cost many millions of pounds.

It will be interesting to see if there is any action taken in this area in the coming years.

No doubt action will only be taken after a few people are killed or severely injured, as usually happens with road improvement schemes.

Tony Newton

Beluga Close



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