Cambridgeshire paramedic denies raping patient

Court newsCourt news
Court news
A paramedic has appeared in court charged with raping three women and sexually assaulting another - two of whom were patients

Andrew Wheeler (45) of Signal Road, Ramsey, appeared at Peterborough Crown Court today (Monday), where he faced a total ten counts - including the rape of one patient.

Wheeler, who wore a suit, blue shirt and tie for the hearing, entered not guilty pleas to all counts he faces.

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He is charged with five counts of rape of one woman, between 2002 and 2013, one count of rape and one of sexual assault against another woman, between 2008 and 2009, one count of causing sexual activity without consent against a third woman in 2010, and one count of rape and one count of a sexual assault against a fourth woman last year.

The court heard the third and fourth woman were patients.

His trial is due to take place at Cambridge Crown Court on May 11 next year, and is expected to last up to 10 days.

Cambridgeshire police said all the alleged offences are said to have been committed while Wheeler worked as a paramedic for the East of England Ambulance Service, and while volunteering for the St John's Ambulance.

All the women were over the age of 16

Wheeler was granted bail until the next hearing by Judge Matthew Lowe.