Employers named and shamed for failing to pay the legal wage

Business minister Margot James.Business minister Margot James.
Business minister Margot James.
Two businesses in the Peterborough area have been named and shamed for failing to pay staff a legal wage.

The two - one in Peterborough and another in Spalding - are among 360 employers nationally named for underpaying their workers the national minimum or living wage.

In total, the 360 businesses underpaid 15,520 workers a total of £995,233, with employers in the hairdressing, hospitality and retail sectors the most prolific offenders.

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According to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Mr Mohan Sahota trading as Toni’s Fish Bar, in Herlington, Orton Malborne, Peterborough, failed to pay £522.86 to one worker.

Mr Sohata said: “I bought the business about a year ago and was not aware what people were being paid. My accountant raised the issue and we sorted it out and the money was paid. I think it is unfair to highlight one small business in this way. ”

Mr Sahota said he no longer employed any staff.

Also named was Wykeham Staff Services Limited, of Spalding, which the Government said failed to pay £660.76 to 16 workers. The company provides workers for businesses in the farming and warehouse sectors.

A spokesperson was not available to comment.

Business Minister Margot James said: “Every worker is entitled to at least the national minimum or living wage and this government will ensure they get it.

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“That is why we have named and shamed more than 350 employers who failed to pay the legal minimum, sending the clear message to employers that minimum wage abuses will not go unpunished.”

The department says its is largest ever list of national minimum and living wage offenders.

The National Living Wage (25 years and over) is £7.20 per hour.

The adult rate of National Minimum Wage (21 to 24-year-olds) is £6.95 per hour. For 18 to 20-year olds it is £5.55 per hour and for 16 to 17-year-olds it is £4 per hour. The rate for apprentices is £3.40 per hour.