Success for father’s campaign after safety improvements recommended for road where son died

Ernest Martin with his campaign banner.Ernest Martin with his campaign banner.
Ernest Martin with his campaign banner.
The campaign run by a Peterborough father to improve safety along the road where his son, Cain, died has achieved its first success after improvements were recommended by a safety audit.

The recommendations have been made by an independent road safety auditor, instructed to carry out an assessment of the B1167 New Cut, Thorney by Peterborough City Council, following Ernest Martin’s campaigning.

He has been campaigning for improvements, including a reduced speed limit and speed cameras, to be placed along the road ever since November when his son died.

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As part of this campaign, he has also collected details and photographs of several other high-speed incidents along the road, which has been described as dangerous, due to the high speeds drivers are permitted to travel and the steep undulations.

Cain Martin's memorial along the B1167 New Cut.Cain Martin's memorial along the B1167 New Cut.
Cain Martin's memorial along the B1167 New Cut.

The full report will be released in due course but the council has revealed that it has made five recommendations, four of which they will be looking to implement as soon as possible.

These are:

- To reduce the speed limit to 50mph

- To increase the height of the ‘reduce speed now’ sign plates to ensure that they remain clearly visible to approaching motorists at all times of the year

- Remount all signage onto passive safe posts

- In the absence to vehicle restraint systems, consider providing rumble strips to either side of the carriageway to alert motorists who may drift towards the hazards in the verge and thereby any pedestrains who may, from time to time, be walking beyond the edge of the carriageway.

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The fifth recommendation is to install average speed cameras. This is a longer term measure which the council will be investigating ‘along with a number of other options.’

They are also actively working on reducing the speed limit on a temporary basis while other options are considered. The new temporary limit will be implemented by August 15.

Mr Martin said he was cautiously happy with the news and welcomed the step in the right direction. He does, however, want to see speed cameras installed along the road.


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