EastEnders episode filmed in Peterborough set to air

The Walford Common sign at Orton Mere. Photo: Andy TaylorThe Walford Common sign at Orton Mere. Photo: Andy Taylor
The Walford Common sign at Orton Mere. Photo: Andy Taylor
Peterborough will feature in an upcoming episode of EastEnders.

Filming of the BBC soap took place in the city in July at the rail line at Orton Mere, with a number of onlookers noticing the station name of ‘Walford Common’ had sprung up.

Walford is the fictional borough in east London where the programme is set.

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And while the backdrop featured slightly in last night’s episode (Tuesday) it will be much more prominent during tomorrow night’s episode on BBC One at 7.30pm.

Onlooker describes how EastEnders TV crews redecorated Peterborough station to shoot scene for new episode

Speaking to the Peterborough Telegraph back in July, Paul Ritchie said: “I was walking with my family on Monday evening when we spotted that Orton Mere station had been redecorated with modern fittings such as car park signs, shelters and CCTV cameras.

“We recognised it as a film set but the new station sign was partially covered to stop us from identifying the programme or film in question. I asked on Twitter whether anyone knew anything and someone said they had heard EastEnders was shooting a scene.

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“We returned on Tuesday, by which time the station sign was indeed revealed as EastEnders location Walford Common and filming was underway. There was a bit of a downpour, but the crew didn’t seem too fazed by it! They’d brought with them several vans of equipment as well as a coach for personnel.

“I don’t know whether it was a large enough operation to significantly benefit local businesses, but hopefully activities like this will raise awareness and funds for the Nene Valley Railway.”