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Previous clubs: Crewe, WiganLast club: Stoke City
Previous clubs: Crewe, Wigan
Last club: Stoke City Previous clubs: Crewe, Wigan

15 Championship and League One free agents who may be of interest to Peterborough United - picture gallery

The summer scramble for the signature of free agent players is well underway after clubs revealed their lists of released players.

There’s some big names out there who would certainly bring quality to Posh as they look to win promotion to the Championship next season.

Here are 15 such players who might be just what Posh are looking for.

Would you like to see any of these players at Posh and why? Let us know via our social media channels.

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Would you like to see any of these players at Posh and why? Let us know via our social media channels.

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