Werrington Fields.Werrington Fields.
Werrington Fields.

Still no timescale on council’s plans to push ahead with controversial plans to fence off Peterborough playing fields

Peterborough City Council has said that it still intends to push ahead with plans to fence off an area close to a Peterborough school but a date for these plans is still not clear.

The council had previously stated that, upon receiving fresh legal advice, it would be submitting new plans to fence off an area of land on “Werrington Fields”, adjacent to Staniland Way; that will serve as school playing fields for Ken Stimpson Community School.

The council has already made its recommendation that, despite protests from residents, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education, Skills and University, Cllr Lynne Ayres, should recommend in her Cabinet Member Decision Notice that the Council should seek planning permission for a material change of use of that part of Werrington fields which would be enclosed by the fence.

This was expected to be published in early January but since then, a series of cuts have been made in the council’s budget to try and balance the city’s struggling finances, casting doubt on whether the plans for the 2m high fence would still go ahead.

In December, a Freedom of Information request revealed that the council had already spent £24,140 on legal and consultancy fees. The council had previously thought it possible to approve the fence without the need for a formal planning application but this proved not to be the case, upon further legal advice.

The council has confirmed that they are set to proceed with plans though but no date has been specified for when an application to enclose the area the size of four football pitches is expected to be committed.

Once submitted, the application is highly likely to be called in by at least one of the city councillors for a final decision to be made by the council’s Planning Committee.

A spokesperson for PCC said: “The next steps in the decision-making process will be the publication of a Cabinet Member Decision Notice by the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education, Skills and University, Councillor Lynne Ayres.

“This will include a recommendation that the Council should seek planning permission for a material change of use of that part of Werrington fields which would be enclosed by the fence.

“The decision on whether to approve the planning application and grant approval to enclose that part of Werrington fields would then rest with the Council’s Planning Committee.”


This was expected to be published in early January but since then, a series of cuts have been made in the council’s budget to try and balance the city’s struggling finances, casting doubt on whether the plans for the 2m high fence would still go ahead.