Peterborough project challenges residents to lower their CO2 emissions

A new online tool has been launched to help households change their food habits to help lower Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Cool Food is a collaborative project launched by Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT), Cornwall Food Foundation and Al’Terre Breizh.

Karen Igho, PECT's Health and Wellbeing Lead said: “In terms of the food we eat, consuming meat and fish has the biggest impact on our environment. Every time you make a meal vegetarian, you could save the equivalent carbon as driving at least four miles in your car. We’re not asking people to give up animal products entirely, instead we’re just recommending that you reduce your consumption and source local, ethical and organic products where possible to help tackle climate change.”

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The Cool Food programme consists of a six week challenge to encourage people to save 2kg of CO2 per day. The aim of the project is to promote households across the UK to make a 20% reduction in their carbon emissions over two years. The project hopes to save over 150 tonnes of CO2 over two years.

Cool Food promotes a number of ways to lower CO2 emissions including: swapping meat based meals to vegetarian options and buying and eating organic and local vegetables.

The digital tool helps users monitor the positive impact they are having on the environment, helping them track real-time usage and household budgets.

Hundreds of people have already joined Cool Food and many are now taking part in the challenge, pledging to save 2kg of carbon a day for six weeks. To find out more and sign up visit: