It’s fair to say Peterborough isn’t blessed with as many iconic landmarks as the likes of Paris, Rome or New York.
However, that isn’t to say our fine city doesn’t have any buildings or areas of note.
Indeed, it’s not a stretch to suggest that any British city – York, Ely, Canterbury and London notwithstanding – would give anything to have a cathedral as beautiful and iconic as ours on its doorstep.
That said, many Peterboroians actually struggle to list three city landmarks, other than the Cathedral, off the top of their heads.
Try it for yourself – it’s not as easy as you might think.
The truth is though, for a city of such a relatively modest size, Peterborough is actually blessed with quite a few buildings, sites or other places of historical, aesthetic or cultural importance.
Some, like The Lido, Town Hall and Flag Fen are likely to come to mind after a little devoted thinking, whereas others, like the Hampton Tump and Nathan Nyce’s stunning street murals may not. Regardless, of how conventional and/or established these sites may or may not be, they are all unique to our fair city, and thus to our shared identity as Peterboroians.Whether we notice (or even acknowledge) these landmarks on a daily basis or not may be down to the fact we always see them from the same angle, i.e. from street level.
Hopefully, the following aerial images, captured by talented local drone pilots Glenn Jones and Jim Mack, will help us all to re-appreciate some of the sites around our city which make it a truly unique place to live.