Beautiful shot showing the length of Gladstone Street, with Nathan Murdoch's colourful mural in the foreground and the stunning Faizan-e-Medina Mosque in the distance.Beautiful shot showing the length of Gladstone Street, with Nathan Murdoch's colourful mural in the foreground and the stunning Faizan-e-Medina Mosque in the distance.
Beautiful shot showing the length of Gladstone Street, with Nathan Murdoch's colourful mural in the foreground and the stunning Faizan-e-Medina Mosque in the distance.

Peterborough aerial tour: 'Look - there's our house!'

Check out your manor from above with of our fab aerial photo tour of Peterborough's residential neighbourhoods

Have you ever noticed how aerial photography articles in the media tend to focus only on well-known landmarks?

It’s understandable, of course.

After all, when you have epic medieval cathedrals, ambitious building projects and beautiful natural features on your doorstep, it makes sense to want to admire them in new and different ways.

But come on; let’s be honest.

Whenever you get the chance to play around with something like Google Earth, or look over some old aerial photos from back in the day, there normally tends to be just one pressing concern on your mind: “So where’s our house?”

Perhaps it’s something innate within us all, a form of territorial protectionism harking back to our days as hunter gatherers.

Or perhaps it’s just a deep curiosity to see if the kids’ trampoline really does take up half the garden.

Either way, it’s something that we – courtesy of our good friend Jim Mack of Peterborough at Night – can help you out with.

While talented drone photographer Jim does indeed go out of his way to pap our most celebrated landmarks, he also spends a good deal of time using his skills to capture the typical, everyday side of Peterborough life.

And what can be more everyday than your own neighbourhood: your own patch; your own manor.

As something you see, hear and absorb every day, you may think that there’s little about your street to make it remarkable in any way.

But view it from hundreds of feet above and you may just see it in a different way.

And at the very least, you’ll be able to determine whether or not your neighbours three doors down really have got a jacuzzi...

After all, when you have epic medieval cathedrals, ambitious building projects and beautiful natural features on your doorstep, it makes sense to want to admire them in new and different ways.

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