Twins enjoying their first ever snow day (image: Katie Edwards)Twins enjoying their first ever snow day (image: Katie Edwards)
Twins enjoying their first ever snow day (image: Katie Edwards)

It was a blast! - photos show Peterborough enjoying its springtime snow day

Snow’s over folks

Well, for once the Met Office and the other weather experts got it spot on. “It’s going to snow on Thursday,” they said – and boy were they right.

While some parts of our region escaped with a modest dusting, other areas received a pretty comprehensive covering of the white stuff.

As a result, some workers pulled out their favourite ‘car trouble’ excuse for staying at home, while parents and kids went with the tried-and-tested “it’s probably for the best” ploy in order to stay at home/work from home today.

We’ll need to make the most of it while it sticks around, though. With the snow now being replaced by rain, the pretty scenes we awoke to will quickly melt away to slush.

In the meantime, why not shake off your boots, brew up some cocoa and enjoy this slideshow of Peterborough’s first real 2023 snow day.

As a result, some workers pulled out their favourite ‘car trouble’ excuse for staying at home, while parents and kids went with the tried-and-tested “it’s probably for the best” ploy in order to stay at home/work from home today.

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