Rogues Gallery: Faces of 18 crooks jailed in and around Peterborough in July - including gran who tried to help murderer escape justice

Drink driver who swigged from vodka bottle before causing fatal crash among those who are now behind bars

A grandmother and an aunt who tried to help a Peterborough murderer escape justice are among the 18 people jailed in July for crimes in and around the city.

Diane Riley and Jeanie Stewart were locked up for nine months after admitting perverting the course of justice after trying to assist Lewis Hutchinson after he had shot and killed Mihai Dobre in Paston.

Asadul Karim was also among those who were jailed, after he caused a fatal crash at Huntingdon, killing 36-year-old Mark Rulman. Karim had been drinking before the crash, and was jailed for 12 years after admitting a number of offences, including causing death by dangerous driving.

These are not all the criminals jailed in July – but just the ones who police have published a picture of.

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