Gardens in particular have become highly sought after, with a study by the AA finding that having some outdoor space could significantly increase the value of your home. The study assessed the average house prices of homes with and without gardens in 30 major towns and cities across the UK to see where gardens are valued the most. Listed are the 10 locations where having a garden added the largest increase to property prices.

. Typical English house with a garden
Would you buy a house without a garden? Photo: Shutterstock

. Walsall
Average house price: £155,059.24. Average house price with a garden: £180,614.96. Garden price increase: £25,55.72. Photo: Shutterstock

. Sunderland
Average house price: £121,119.73. Average house price with a garden: £138,979.72. Garden price increase: £17,859.99. Photo: Shutterstock

. Liverpool
Average house price: £158,772.81. Average house price with a garden: £176,427.64. Garden price increase: £17,654.84. Photo: Shutterstock

9. Stoke-on-Trent
Average house price: £145,566.36. Average house price with a garden: £158,080.31. Garden price increase: £12,513.95. Photo: Shutterstock

10. Belfast
Average house price: £137,601.70. Average house price with a garden: £149,355.74. Garden price increase: £11,754.03. Photo: Shutterstock