"Fantastic little place, great staff, massive space and great selection of beers." - Rated: 4.5 (289 reviews)"Fantastic little place, great staff, massive space and great selection of beers." - Rated: 4.5 (289 reviews)
"Fantastic little place, great staff, massive space and great selection of beers." - Rated: 4.5 (289 reviews)

15 of the best pubs and music venues in Peterborough - according to reviews on Google

From big pubs to little alehouses, Peterborough isn’t short of places to enjoy a pint and music.

There’s cracking city centre pubs and bars – as well as plenty of watering holes in more scenic settings – making it very easy to find somewhere for a great night out whatever your desires.

But which are the top spots in the city, according drinkers around Peterborough?

Here we have dug out some of the highest scoring establishments, based on reviews left on Google, from around the city.

Tell us where your favourite pub is and why you like it so much.

Here we have dug out some of the highest scoring establishments, based on reviews left on Google, from around the city.

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