The 10 Peterborough GP surgeries with the most patients per doctorThe 10 Peterborough GP surgeries with the most patients per doctor
The 10 Peterborough GP surgeries with the most patients per doctor

Doctors surgery near me: The 10 Peterborough GP surgeries with the most patients per doctor

This newspaper has compiled a list of the GPs with the most patients per doctor in Peterborough.

Peterborough’s 602 GPs are now each responsible for 2,304 patients, according to a report published in September.

Dr Fiona Head, Integrated Care Service (ICS) chief medical officer and medical director, said that Peterborough’s GPs are being “stretched to breaking point”.

It comes after a report by the Primary Care Services revealed the number of patients per GP in the city had increased year-on-year by 426 patients.

Earlier this year, figures published by NHS Digital showed that the average GP practice in England has nearly 10,000 patients on its books.

The data outlined that there is currently the full-time equivalent of about 35,000 GPs, working across 6,500 surgeries in England.

On average, each GP surgery has 9,445 patients on its practice list. But some practices have a much higher GP-to-patient ratio than others.

The Peterborough Telegraph has put together a list of the 10 Peterborough GP surgeries with most patients per doctor.

Note: ‘Patients per GP’ is the number of patients for every full-time equivalent GP.

It comes after a report by the Primary Care Services revealed the number of patients per GP in the city had increased year-on-year by 426 patients.

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