Peterborough coronavirus rate stabilising - but still more than three times rate of East of England

While Peterborough’s coronavirus rate has fallen over the past week, the director of public health for the city has said the city is not out of the woods yet, and residents need to continue to stick to measures to bring the number of cases down even further.

However, the city still sits 17th in the national rankings for coronavirus, with a rate three times higher than the east of England average.

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Today, Dr Liz Robin, Director of Public Health for Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council, said: “Although the number of cases in the City has stabilised, our rate of new cases of Covid-19 is still more than three times the East of England average. It is essential that as a community we continue to work together to control the spread further.

“In order to limit the rate of infection residents must keep caring for themselves and others by continuing to social distance, abiding by new rules regarding face coverings in shops as well as public transport, plus washing hands thoroughly and regularly.

“It remains crucial that people go a get tested if they begin to show symptoms, and stay at home with their household if they test positive.”

Two mobile coronavirus testing centres and one permanent testing centre remain open in Peterborough to allow residents to get tested..People with symptoms can just turn up and have a test. To avoid having to wait, people are able to book a test by visiting Those unable to access the internet can call 119 to book a test.

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Key workers can log on to the self-referral portal They will be offered a drop-down list of local options for testing including nearby mobile units.