Peterborough headteachers welcome Government A level U turn

Headteachers in Peterborough have welcomed the Government’s U-turn on A level results after scores of students saw their scores downgraded.

Youngsters picked up their exam results last Thursday, with many being left disappointed after predicted results were downgraded by an algorithm.

Yesterday it was announced students would now be able to chose to use their predicted grades after a Government U-turn.

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Today, A spokesperson for the Cambridgeshire Secondary Heads group, which includes secondary head teachers in Peterborough, said: “Cambridgeshire Secondary Headteachers welcome the decision to award A Level and GCSE students the centre assessed grades submitted by schools and colleges earlier this year.

“The government’s objective of limiting grade inflation was a sensible one, but the system put in place was not sufficiently robust to avoid injustices to individuals of the type we have seen and read about since Thursday. It is deeply regrettable that young people have been subjected to further stress and anxiety, having already lost the opportunity to sit their exams this summer. Awarding centre assessed grades, while not an ideal solution, is therefore the fairest thing to do at this point.

“It will be crucial in the coming days that students are supported in securing their next steps, whether that is sixth form, university, apprenticeships or employment. Cambridgeshire schools and colleges are already working hard to provide that support and guidance, and will continue to do so in the coming days and weeks.”

What should students do if they need further help to apply for their place at university?

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If you have not been accepted, or you believe you might now be accepted into your preferred university, you should:

Talk directly to your preferred university’s admissions team

Refer to UCAS’s website for further guidance and information

Talk to your Sixth Form tutors for advice and guidance

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