Peterborough MP calls zero tolerance approach to fly-tipping

Peterborough MP Paul Bristow.Peterborough MP Paul Bristow.
Peterborough MP Paul Bristow.
Peterborough MP Paul Bristow has called for a zero tolerance approach to fly-tipping from central government.

Speaking in Westminster on Wednesday (May 25), Mr Bristow welcomed recent measures announced by the government to tackle the problem but has called for them to go further and increase in penalties for those caught fly-tipping.

Last month, the government set out plans to tackle the issue in a variety of ways such as change the rules so that households no longer pay to get rid of DIY waste, calls to review evidence on booking systems at recycling centres, which is thought to lead to more people fly-tipping and awarding a number of councils grants to tackle the issue through CCTV trials. Such a trial began in Peterborough last month.

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Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs data from 2020-21 shows that 9,744 fly-tipping incidents were reported to Peterborough City Council in 2020-21. This was a 43% increase on the 6,820 discoveries made the year before, and the highest number since comparable records began in 2012-13.

No fines resulting from court convictions were issued in the area in that time though – down from four in 2019-20. The council carried out 4,186 enforcement actions, including issuing 168 fixed penalty notices. This meant that Peterborough saw 48.1 fly-tipping incidents per 1,000 people last year – which was well above the average across England, of 20.1.

Mr Bristow has said that he now wants to see a zero tolerance approach to fly-tipping as the problem remains prevalent in the city.

He said: “Fly-tipping is a consistent problem in Peterborough. Quite frankly, I’m sick to death of seeing hotspots in my constituency. The junction between Norwood Lane and Newborough Lane is a particular problem.

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“Urban communities such as Bretton and Ravensthorpe are plagued by this, as are rural villages such as Thorney and Newborough. We need more powers to combat fly tipping.

“Along with others, I have called for higher fines, beyond the current fixed penalty notice limits, I argued for a zero tolerance approach, argued for new government guidance and suggested better tools and resources for local authorities.

“Thankfully, enforcement has risen but unfortunately, so have incidents of fly-tipping. I welcome what the minister has done, while passing on the desire of my constituents for the government to keep going and go further.

“Even though upping penalties would require legislation when it comes to the limits, I hope ministers will look at whether this can be done. Our communities should no longer be used as dumping grounds. Zero tolerance, stricter fines, CCTV enforcement and stronger guidance from government. Fly-tipping blights too many of our communities, it’s time for us to act and start driving these incidents down.”