General Election: Does Peterborough have voter fatigue?

The count at the by-electionThe count at the by-election
The count at the by-election
As 2019 draws to a close you can forgive residents in Peterborough for having voter fatigue.

Two elections to choose an MP, European elections, local elections and even an historic Recall Petition mean it has been a busy time for thousands of adults, as well as those tasked with running the polls.

The hectic year began in March when residents in the Peterborough constituency booted out MP Fiona Onasanya following her three month prison sentence for lying over speeding points. The former Labour MP, who was expelled by the party following her conviction, became the first MP in the UK to lose their seat due to a Recall Petition.

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The petition ended on May 1, and a day later everyone in Peterborough was able to take part in city council elections which saw the Conservatives lose their majority, but hold onto power.

Then, later that month, the Brexit Party stormed to victory in the European elections, both in Peterborough and across the region.

And a busy few months was capped by the election to replace Ms Onasanya which saw Labour’s Lisa Forbes narrowly hold off the challenge of Brexit Party candidate Mike Greene.