Jonson Clarke-Harris is Peterborough United best paid player on the new FM24 game,Jonson Clarke-Harris is Peterborough United best paid player on the new FM24 game,
Jonson Clarke-Harris is Peterborough United best paid player on the new FM24 game,

Peterborough United's weekly wages according to Football Manager 2024

Peterborough United first team squad are on fairly similar contracts with not a huge difference between what most players earn, according to FM24.

The wages, set by the latest version of the computer game series, fit within the £2-6k scale, with the majority around the £3k mark.

Finding a competitive squad to shoot up the leagues, while operating within a tight budget, is one of the big challenges of the popular computer game.

FM 2024 is due to launch this month. However, some keen gamers have been enjoying early access to the game by pre-ordering on Stream.

Here we look at Football Manager 2024’s estimated weekly wage for Peterborough’s top players. (please note that per-week wages provided by the game may not be true to life).