The story and pictures are in Chris’s Reunions II book.
The picture above shows ambulance technician Glenn Carrington (aka The Bear) surprising Bev who worked in medical records, on her birthday at Peterborough District Hospital in 1986.
Chris said: “Glenn was on a break when he slipped into something more comfortable and swept Bev off her feet.”
Glenn joined the Ambulance Service in 1986.
He said: “Chris was a porter but later joined the Ambulance Service in 1988 and he was my first crew mate.
“We both became paramedics and had great times together and looked after each other.”
Glenn worked throughout the pandemic, during which time he became very ill with coronavirus and lost members of his family.
He is currently working full time as a UNISON rep.
Glenn was in the 2RTR Tank Regiment in the army from 1979 to 1985. He loved playing rugby and was a judo champion in the 1990s, winning several British Championships.
He had hopes of going to the Olympics but couldn’t go any further after breaking his ankle.
Recalling the picture, he said: “I told Bev I would give her a kissogram and make her blush.
“I went down to the basement with Chris and the linen room ladies supplied their biggest bloomers and nurse’s outfit.
“I then walked through the door and she was really surprised, and definitely blushed.”
Bev left school when she was 16 and started working in the medical records department at the Memorial Hospital and after moving across to PDH in 1968 she later became a supervisor and served over 47 years.
She said: “I loved working at the hospital but have to say the ‘old days’ were the best as there was a family atmosphere.
“I made lifelong friends there and we still meet up now when we can.
“I was 34 in the original photo I knew nothing about what was happening that day which I think is reflected in the pictures.”
Bev was not available for the reunion so Chris leapt into Bear’s arms instead!