COVID picture improving in Peterborough - but city still remains near top of national case rate table

Government statistics show the COVID picture is improving in Peterborough - but the city remains near the top of the national case rate table.

The latest data shows that on February 24 and February 25, there were no deaths of people in Peterborough who had recorded a positive test in the previous 28 days. The last time there were two consecutive days with no deaths recorded in Peterborough was December 2 and December 3.

The case rate in the city has also dropped below 200 for the first time in months. For the seven days up to February 25, it stood at 182.4 - the lowest it has been for three months.

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The seven day average for the number of admissions to North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust hospitals - including Peterborough City Hospital - is at its lowest since December 2. It currently stands at 7.4 (up to February 25). The number of patients in hospital is falling, with the seven day average at its lowest since December 21.

While the number of patients on ventilation is falling, it remains high.

Yesterday it was revealed more than one in four adult residents have now had at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine.