The Sir Captain Tom maize maze in a field near Peterborough

The Sir Captain Tom maze. 
Photo: Terry HarrisThe Sir Captain Tom maze. 
Photo: Terry Harris
The Sir Captain Tom maze. Photo: Terry Harris
The world largest image of Sir Captain Tom Moore has been carved into a giant field of maize in a field mat the Skylark Garden Centre near March.

Edward Gowler (owner of Skylark) and his team planted more than one million maize plants then painstakingly cut out over 3km of pathways to reveal the intricate depiction of the world-renowned NHS fundraiser.

When viewed from the air the iconic image of bespectacled distinguished gentleman with his walking frame and row of medals is instantly recognisable. The whole field is over 12 acres which is nearly 100 tennis courts!

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Hannah Ingram-Moore (daughter of Captain Tom Moore) and the children Benji and Georgia gave the design their seal of approval, met the team who worked on the design and experienced the maize maze for themselves.

It took Edward and his team over three days to design and cut out the pathways in the maize field. The paths are carefully cut out using GPS technology to plot the image to create a maze for visitors to explore.

Edward said: “We thanked the NHS last year and when we learnt Captain Tom had lived just up the road from Skylark and was highly regarded in March as a local businessman, we knew exactly what the design of the maze had to be”

The maize maze and funyard will be open from July 22 to August 31 plus on selected weekends in September.

Proceeds from the sale of the maze maps will go to the charity set up in his honour, the Captain Tom Foundation.