Sell off to the perfect start at Kingsland

Gary Sell.Gary Sell.
Gary Sell.
The first match of the summer season for Cock Inn AC saw the Werrington lads fishing the big lake on the Kingsland Fishery complex.

Getting off to the prefect start was Gary Sell, who won with 122lb 1oz caught on sweetcorn over a bed of pellet and netted carp to double figures.

Runner-up Mick Sidney was another angler relying on sweetcorn.

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He fished the pole and corn combination close in for 90lb 14oz, just seeing off the challenge of Steve Smith with 85lb 6oz. Smith caught on a small feeder.


Horseshoe Lake at Float Fish Farm Fishery saw every single peg taken for the Webb’s AC match on Sunday.

Leading the field from peg one was Andy Matthews, who caught on the pole for 54lb 12oz.

In second spot came Mick Linnell, who caught on a feeder over to the island for most of the day to finish with 50lb 11oz.

Third place went to Dave Marzell with 32lb 1oz.


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In the Saturday open match at Float Fish Farm Fishery Tony Dawson showed he is still a class act on most venues across the area.

On his first visit to the fishery he took first place, which gave him a ticket into the grand final later in the year, putting 101lb 5oz to the scales.

After a slow start on the feeder he switched to a short pole line and started to catch well before ending up in the margins catching big carp on meat and corn.

Runner-up was Shaun Waterfall, who put 96lb 15oz to the scales from peg five, followed by Stan Dow with 63lb 7oz.


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It was tough going at Haddon Lodge on Sunday with most of the anglers relying on a silver fish approach as for some reason the carp at this fishery refused to feed in any numbers.

Out in front with a modest 16lb 7oz was Keith Rounding, who caught on a small feeder.

Runner-up with 10lb 8oz was Cliff Fuller, then came Tony Moulds on 10lb 6oz.

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