Martin Lewis on how people not eligible for council tax rebate could still get £150

Martin Lewis' MoneySavingExpert explains how to get free £2,000 for your first house (KenMcKay/ITV/Shutterstock)Martin Lewis' MoneySavingExpert explains how to get free £2,000 for your first house (KenMcKay/ITV/Shutterstock)
Martin Lewis' MoneySavingExpert explains how to get free £2,000 for your first house (KenMcKay/ITV/Shutterstock)

Martin Lewis has explained to millions of people how they can get help with their energy bills - even if they are not entitled to the £150 council tax rebate.

Here we take a look at the Money Saving Expert’s advice, who the rebate is being awarded to and what you can do if you don’t fall into the eligibility criteria.

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Who is the rebate being awarded to?

The rebate is only being awarded to homes in council tax bands A, B, C or D in England and Wales, which is roughly 80% of properties.

Scottish residents in bands A to D will also be entitled to £150, and they'll still qualify if they're currently getting a council tax reduction as well.

What happens if you don't fall into the eligibility criteria?

Anyone struggling to pay their bills but does not fall into any of the categories above might be able to apply for assistance via a separate pot of funding.

Councils in England will receive a portion of a £144million discretionary fund, which will be used to provide support for vulnerable people on low incomes not paying council tax, or who pay council tax for properties in Bands E to H.

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Local authorities have until November 30, 2022, to make payments through this scheme.

What did Martin Lewis say?

About the scheme in a new tweet on Thursday morning, Martin said: “Struggling to pay energy bills, but not in council tax bands A-D, so not due the £150 payment?

“Councils got £144m discretionary fund, to give up to £150 to people in this situation

“Check out how to apply (though some are very slow to get any of this scheme's money out).“

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What are the eligibility criteria for the fund?

Each council is setting out its own eligibility criteria for the discretionary funding and you will need to get in contact with your local authority, or check their website, to see if you qualify for support.

For example, the City Of Bradford Metropolitan District Council has split its eligibility criteria into different groups.

Those in a band E to H property, and are in receipt of a means-tested council tax reduction will receive £175.

Council taxpayers receiving a means-tested council tax reduction in property bands A to D will receive £25, on top of the £150 they already received as part of the original rebate.

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