Peterborough woman to run London Marathon in aid of Thorpe Hall Hospice

Stanground Academy teacher Sinead Raynor is running this year's London Marathon to help raise money for the Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice in Peterborough.Stanground Academy teacher Sinead Raynor is running this year's London Marathon to help raise money for the Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice in Peterborough.
Stanground Academy teacher Sinead Raynor is running this year's London Marathon to help raise money for the Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice in Peterborough.
Teacher will take on iconic challenge to raise funds for invaluable hospice which gave family members ‘incredible care’

A Peterborough teacher who is running the London Marathon to help raise money for a city hospice says she is “excited” to be taking on her first ever marathon.

25-year-old Sinead Raynor is taking part in the iconic event to raise funds for Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice.

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“I’m running it for my uncle and my grandad, who were both [cared for] at Thorpe Hall,” said the Stanground Academy teacher.

“This is the ten-year anniversary since my granddad was there.”

As the only specialist palliative care inpatient unit in Peterborough, Thorpe Hall provides care and support for people who are living with life-limiting conditions, as well as supporting their families.

The hospice cared for Sinead’s uncle, John and latterly her granddad, Doug - both of whom were diagnosed with terminal cancer.

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“I was a teenager, doing my GCSEs, when my granddad was at Thorpe Hall - the care they gave was nothing short of incredible,” she remembers.

“When my granddad went in [to the hospice] he was even in the same room as my uncle was in years before.”

Describing that period as “such a horrible and difficult time,” Sinead recalled drawing strength from the hospice staff.

“They supported you with medical help and advice, as well as just being a shoulder to cry on.”

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Sinead admits that deciding to run the marathon has pushed her right out of her comfort zone.“I teach performing arts at a secondary school,” she protests: “I’m not a runner!”

The arduous training program has been quite a wake-up call for the 25-year-old, who admits she “couldn’t really run a mile without stopping” before January.

However, the combination of strong determination and having a loving partner who just happens to be a seasoned marathon runner has seen Sinead develop into confident and highly motivated distance runner.

Moreover, the determined teacher believes her inspiration will be more than enough to carry her along to the finish line.

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“The reason why I’m running; why I’m raising money, is so that other people can have the support I and my family got,” she says.

“I’ll complete it - 100 per cent.”

Help Sinead reach her £2,000 fundraising target by donating at her JustGiving page.