LETTER: Appeal to find old Peterborough army pal

Your Say: letters, emails and comments on the news - from the Peterborough Telegraph, www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk, @peterboroughtel on Twitter, Facebook.com/peterboroughtodayYour Say: letters, emails and comments on the news - from the Peterborough Telegraph, www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk, @peterboroughtel on Twitter, Facebook.com/peterboroughtoday
Your Say: letters, emails and comments on the news - from the Peterborough Telegraph, www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk, @peterboroughtel on Twitter, Facebook.com/peterboroughtoday
My name is Geoff Reed. I currently live in North Yorkshire and am desperately trying to find an old army mate; VIC RUSSELL.

Vic and I joined the army together at age 16 in 1974.

We joined as apprentice chefs.

After two years training in Aldershot we, along with our peers, were posted worldwide. We haven’t seen Vic since 1976, and as we are having a reunion in 2018 I am upping my efforts to find him, along with many others.

In 1974 Vic hailed from Peterborough and although he may live elsewhere there will be family or friends still in the Peterborough area.

If anyone has any details about Vic please get in touch at [email protected]

Geoff Reed