New lives for Daisy and Duke after 34 dogs found living in metal crates stacked on top of each other in Cambridgeshire warehouse

Daisy and Duke loving life with their new ownersDaisy and Duke loving life with their new owners
Daisy and Duke loving life with their new owners
While England claims to be a nation of dog loves, new figures released today by the RSPCA show man's best friend is the most persecuted pet.

Daisy and Duke are now living in comfort with new owners but were found in metal crates with 34 other dogs in a Cambridgeshire warehouse.

A 36-year-old man was banned from keeping dogs for 18-months after the 34 dogs were found with no fresh drinking water.

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The dogs, all mixed breeds, were kept in metal crates stacked up to three high in places in a Cambridgeshire warehouse when RSPCA inspectors discovered them.

RSPCA chief inspector Mark Thompson said: “The RSPCA was called in late 2013 with concerns about the dogs who were kept in crates stacked on top of each other in a warehouse.

“There were serious concerns for their welfare, but despite several visits and a lot welfare advice the conditions of these dogs did not improve and the advice was not followed. We then attended along with the police and a vet in February 2014 when police took the dogs and put them in RSPCA care.”

The man, from March, was found guilty of failing to provide a suitable environment and fresh drinking water for the 34 dogs; and causing unnecessary suffering to one dog by housing the dog in a cage next to another dog, allowing them to fight through the bars and causing injuries to each other.

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As well as an 18-month disqualification from keeping dogs he was also sentenced to a 12-month community order and 180 hours of unpaid work. He was also ordered to pay £1,000 costs and a £60 surcharge.