Police launch manhunt after woman is assaulted twice in two days

A woman has been assaulted twice by the same man in a two day period.

The female was followed along Oxmoor Lane to Ash Close in Huntingdon where she was assaulted at around 3.20pm on Wednesday April 27.

The victim was targeted by the same offender on a second occasion on the following day at about 4pm in the same area.

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The suspect is described a white male, 5’5”, slim build, 17 to 19 years, with messy, greasy brown hair which was above the ear and cleanly shaven.

He was wearing a distinctive white coat that covered to the top of the suspect’s thighs. It had two stripes on either sleeve running from the shoulder to cuff and there was purple and brown panels on either side of the coat front running from his under arm to stomach. He was also wearing black trousers and black boots.

Anyone who was in the area at the time, who believes that they know this male, is asked to call DC Tony Harlow on 101. Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.