New scheme to find lost children

Queensgate shopping centre in Peterborough. Photo: Peterborough TelegraphQueensgate shopping centre in Peterborough. Photo: Peterborough Telegraph
Queensgate shopping centre in Peterborough. Photo: Peterborough Telegraph
Queensgate Shopping Centre will introduce a pioneering safety scheme which offers a hotline number to assist parents and guardians in finding children who have been separated from them whilst out shopping.

By calling the dedicated Child Safe number 0844 619 1202 parents will be put in contact with security team, who will use a coordinated approach and CCTV to re-unite them. The scheme will launch on Monday (December 4). The initiative also provides children with free wristbands for parents’ or guardians’ contact numbers so that, in the event of a child being lost, the parent or guardian can be contacted quickly. The wristbands will be available from the Customer Information Desk.

Richard Manville, Director and co-founder of Child Safe said “We are thrilled to launch the Child Safe scheme in Queensgate, Peterborough, who have been very supportive in coordinating the scheme”.