Money handed to wife of attack victim

Nurun hands over the chequeNurun hands over the cheque
Nurun hands over the cheque
A cheque for more than £3,000 was handed over to the family of a man killed in an attack in the city.

Former The Apprentice candidate Nurun Ahmed handed over the money to the widow of Ali Qasemi this week. Mr Qasemi (45), a father of two with a third child on the way, died following the attack as he delivered pizzas on May 8.

Nurun set up a fundraising campaign on line, and handed over the cheque for £3,304 this week. She said: “This campaign showed community solidarity. She was overwhelmed with the generosity shown by all and very thankful. Only when we unite we can walk forward by making a positive difference. We are stronger when we work together not against one another. A hearty thank you to all those who supported me in this campaign.”

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Mark Lintott (29) of Shrewsbury Avenue, Peterborough and Joel Lawson (25) of Goodhale Road, Norwich have pleaded not guilty to manslaughter and robbery in connection to the case. They will stand trial in October.