Co-op’s £2,950 for a Peterborough residents’ association

The cheque presentation at Oundle Road Co-opThe cheque presentation at Oundle Road Co-op
The cheque presentation at Oundle Road Co-op
The Botolph Green Residents’ Association has received £2,950 from the Co-op Local Community Fund which supports local projects chosen by Co-op members.

A penny in the pound that members spend on selected Co-op products and services plus money raised from shopping bag sales in store goes to help fund neighbourhood projects.

Volunteers from the various Association environmental groups were there to accept a cheque from Graham Arthur, manager of Oundle Road’s Co-op. This hugely welcome boost to funds will go towards paying for tools, equipment (including thigh waders for the pond), seeds, bulbs and plants so the group can continue to preserve and enhance the local area for the people and the wildlife that live there.