Parveen The Spice Queen: They're gorgeous and gluten-free

Parveen's perfect pancakeParveen's perfect pancake
Parveen's perfect pancake
I feel so proud of myself for sticking to my healthy eating regime. I have been trying to cut out white refined sugar and wheat.

“Trying” being the optimum word as it’s not always that easy to stay on the sugar and wheat-free diet bandwagon. I slipped up last weekend, well more of a stumble really, but in my defence I was really busy with work...I find that when I am busy working, I rarely get time to eat properly - which is ironic really, given that I cook food for a living.

I catered a 5-course charity dinner in Cheshire last weekend. Due to Friday traffic, snow and slippery roads, it took me 5 hours to get to my client’s house; it was a long and tiresome journey. To keep me going, I stopped off for a sweet, sugary caramel latte. I arrived at my client’s house, with no time to eat, you guessed it… I had another sweet coffee. Well my client had amazing super duper coffee machine, you know - the one that George Clooney has.

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Ok, less of George Clooney and back to the dinner party. I made 2 appetisers, 2 starters, 5 mains and a dessert for 10 guests.

After dinner, we did some Bollywood dancing, lead by yours truly. After 6 hours on my feet, I needed to muster up some energy for the dancing, so I quickly grabbed a piece of Peshwari naan and washed it down with a sweet mango juice. Oh, dear, I know what you are thinking “more sugar”; but as I said it kept me going. Finally, I got to my hotel suite at midnight and just flaked out!

In the morning I was awakened by a rumbling in my tummy. I went down to breakfast and happily consumed 2 fried eggs, beans, hash browns, fried bread (which I have not had since 1985!) a couple of croissants and 2 cups tea!! Gosh I was full and had a very happy tummy. I didn’t feel too guilty - I convinced myself it was OK as this was my breakfast, brunch and lunch. Also I knew that once back home, I would be back on the healthy eating regime.

Enter my gorgeous gluten-free, guilt-free pancakes. Gluten- free as they are made using oats, sugar-free as I use natural agave syrup and gorgeous when served with bananas, drizzled in honey and topped in crushed pecan nuts.

This makes 4 to 6 medium sized pancakes.


1 mug of rolled oats

1 mug of semi-skimmed milk

2 tbsp of agave syrup

1 egg (beaten)

½ tsp Cinnamon


1 ripe banana

10 pecans/almonds

1 tbsp runny honey


1. Put the oats in a blender and blitz for 1 minute.

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2. In a large bowl, add the oats, milk, cinnamon, egg and agave syrup.

3. Mix well and allow to rest for 5 minutes.

4. Heat a non-stick large frying pan on a medium heat.

5. When hot, use a ladle to pour the batter for each pancake.

6. Cook for 2 mins or until bubbles form on surface of pancake. Turn over and cook for another 2 mins or until lightly browned.

Try with lemon and sugar if you prefer, or serve topped in Greek yoghurt and blueberries.

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