Action from The Viking Festival  at Flag FenAction from The Viking Festival  at Flag Fen
Action from The Viking Festival at Flag Fen

In pictures: Peterborough's Viking Festival - including a huge battle re-enactment

Viking warriors battling it out with swords flashing and shields crashing was the highlight of the Bank Holiday Viking Festival at Peterborough’s Flag Fen.

Hundreds of re-enactors took part to re-create the main battle of King Cnut’s Battle of Assandun in 1016, bringing the intensity and drama of ancient warfare to life each day.

With a whole programme of events planned for all three days, visitors also got to see what life would have been like in a real life Viking encampment, explore a traditional Viking burial, learn about the meals they ate and see crafts such as the traditional woodworking, metalworking, cooking and weaving skills in action.

There were also opportunities to witness weapons, archery displays and a spectacular Skirmish with a chance to have a go at archery, plus storytelling sessions each day for younger children too.

Nina Wright, Marketing & Sales Manager of organiser Peterborough Limited, described the event as “absolutely brilliant”.

"We welcomed 2229 visitors and hosted 375 amazing Vikings who joined us from all over the country. The weather was glorious enabling everyone to enjoy all the fun, chatting to Viking re-enactors, seeing their homes and how they lived, trying out axe throwing, archery and crafts and of course revelling in the Viking battles,” she said.

“We are now looking forward to our Advance of the Romans weekend on the 1-2 June. Thanks to everyone who came to support the event, we are delighted with the success and can’t wait for next year."

There were also opportunities to witness weapons, archery displays and a spectacular Skirmish with a chance to have a go at archery, plus storytelling sessions each day for younger children too.

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