Hundreds show appetite for first Peterborough Biscuit

Peterborough Biscuit gets under way.Peterborough Biscuit gets under way.
Peterborough Biscuit gets under way.
About 1,000 visitors were expected to attend an impressive new networking exhibition for Peterborough businesses.

Called Peterborough Biscuit, the event was staged at Peterborough Arena, and officially opened by BBC The Apprentice winner Joseph Valente.

Guests got the opportunity to look at some 120 displays and take part in a variety of seminars and talks.

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Abby Freed, co-ordinator for organisers Sphere RHSM, said: "We are delighted with the response and it looks as if it will be a very busy day for us.

Some of the 120 displays at Peterborough Biscuit.Some of the 120 displays at Peterborough Biscuit.
Some of the 120 displays at Peterborough Biscuit.

"The aim is to bring Peterborough businesses together and to realise how many of the products and services they need are here in Peterborough.

"We hope this will be the first of many Peterborough Biscuits."

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