LINCS PREMIER DIVISION: Berry bowls Bourne to victory

Jack Berry bowling for Bourne against Skegness.Jack Berry bowling for Bourne against Skegness.
Jack Berry bowling for Bourne against Skegness.
Jack Berry was the star turn for Bourne yesterday (August 21) as they entertained Skegness at Abbey Lawn.

The all-rounder shone with the ball and finished with figures of 6-45 off 15 overs as the visitors were skittled for just 95 in 30.4 overs.

Berry also opened the Bourne innings and managed just 10. But his heroics with the ball had paved the way for victory and Carl Wilson (40no) and Peter Morgan (39) completed the job. They steered Bourne to 99-4 off just 12.4 overs for a quick six-wicket win.

Market Deeping had to settle for a draw in their match at Louth. The homne side posted a useful 226-9 off their 50 overs and Deeping were 191-9 in reply.