Hotrod Andy comes in so very handy to win on the Factory Bank

Alex Bates.Alex Bates.
Alex Bates.
Sunday saw the start of the HAJAC Winter League with the match spread across three venues as match officials tried to ensure as many anglers as possible were in with a chance of a decent day's sport.

Unfortunately I suspect the fish are as confused as we are with regard to the inconsistent weather we have been having over the past few months. For while some anglers struggled to get the odd bite, others caught more than enough to send them away happy.

With the top three anglers all coming from different sections, the pegging did work out quite well.

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Topping a strong field from the Factory Bank section was Andy Moss. The Browning Hotrods man caught on groundbait and pinkie to finish with12lb 6oz.

Sam Merry took the runner-up spot. He caught a tench on chopped worm and topped up with roach from Benwick putting 12lb 3oz to the scales.

Raveley Drain produced the third man home and that was March rod Alex Bates, who caught small roach for 12lb 2oz.

On the team front it was Sensas Tackle and Bates leading the way on 12 points followed by Maver Image on 23 points with Stanjay Gold third scoring 27 points.


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The usual Saturday Decoy Open fished on the Beastie Lake saw a few extra anglers heading to the venue so the Horseshoe Lake was also included and produced the top two on the day.

Out in front from peg one was Cameron Hughes. He fished a Method feeder tight across to the rushes, then later over to his right-hand corner on the long pole with pellet to finish on 70lb 1oz.

Runner-up was Sam Collett, who fished a small maggot feeder tight across then later close in from peg four to weigh in 65lb 2oz.

Third was Richard Bond on 60lb 10oz.


We all expected the fenland drains to come in for a lot of attention given the fact that the huge Winter League final is going to be fished on them at the end of the month.

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But it would seem just as much pressure is going to be put on Decoy Lakes which will also host half of the anglers on the big day.

On Sunday three lakes - Beastie, Willows and Six Islands - were in use for the fishery open match.

Topping the impressive list from peg eight on the Six Islands Pool was Anthony King. He fished the feeder and long pole to the island before switching to a close-in line to finish with 86lb 1oz, all taken on red maggot.

Second hot peg 25 on Willows was Paul Lamb, who caught all day using a straight lead approach and loose feeding maggot over the top to put 78lb 13oz to the scales.

Third place went to Glyn Willis with 75lb 8oz.