FANS FORUM: Chairman challenges club critics to show their faces

Posh chairman Darragh MacAnthony (left) and chief executive officer Bob Symns. Photo: Joe Dent/ chairman Darragh MacAnthony (left) and chief executive officer Bob Symns. Photo: Joe Dent/
Posh chairman Darragh MacAnthony (left) and chief executive officer Bob Symns. Photo: Joe Dent/
Peterborough United chairman Darragh MacAnthony has invited the club's critics to air their grievances '˜face-to-face' at a fans' forum at the ABAX Stadium on Thursday (August 18, 6.30pm).

MacAnthony and chief exceutive officer Bob Symns will be among the staff members present in the sponsors’ lounge for an event that is free to attend.

McAnthony gets irritated by club critics on social media and fans’ websites so he’s challenged the more vocal moaners to show their faces in public.

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MacAnthony used his own Twitter feed to say: “To the current seven or eight moaners, esepecially on, you are invited to meet the CEO, commercial director, ticket manager, shop manager and more to address concerns, queries and ask any question you feel isn’t addressed or answered by the meetings with fans’ groups we already have.

“Instead of constant forum sniping, moaning and trolling, put your big boy pants on and come down and aske me and my staff direct questions.”