RIP Geoff Gardner, a Newborough CC man for 68 years

Geoff Gardner (left) receiving a long-service award from Newborough CC in 2008.Geoff Gardner (left) receiving a long-service award from Newborough CC in 2008.
Geoff Gardner (left) receiving a long-service award from Newborough CC in 2008.
Geoff Gardner, a Newborough Cricket Club man for 68 years, has passed away at the age of 82.

Geoff was strictly a one-club man. He played, skippered, took on many official posts including chairman and was a skilled groundsman at St Martins Road.

Club official Mark Goodale said: “The club is in shock. Geoff was Newborough Cricket Club through and through. He first played as a 14 year-old and was a distinguished club treasurer and chairman as well as groundsman.

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“Geoff even helped build our original clubhouse. He’s a huge loss to the club.

“He was a cricket lover and a supporter of all the local competitions. He never missed Burghley Park CC week, the Jaidka Cup Final and the Stanmford Cup finals.”