Well-deserved points win for young Peterborough boxer Rushaan Raja

Rashaan RajaRashaan Raja
Rashaan Raja | other
Shae Gowler gains experience against one of country's best young boxers

Peterborough Police ABC's Rushaan Raja took on Paddy Rooney from home club Phoenix Nottingham ABC on Friday in a 35kg contest.

Rushaan, 12, came away with a well-deserved points win over the very well-schooled home fighter. Rushaan didn’t get phased by the overwhelming support for Rooney in his home club show and stuck to the game plan. Rushaan kept it long and delivered quality counter punches in round 1. Round 2 was very similar but he started to put the combinations together to the head and body. The 3rd was Rushaan's best and he completely dominated with quality response work on the front and back foot. This really was a quality win against a very good fighter.

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Then on Sunday afternoon the club attended the Sudbury boxing show with Shae Gowler. Shae boxed 14-year-old Gerry McDonagh from the Finchley ABC at 41kg. This was a very technical fight with both boxers working on their counter punching. The awkward southpaw from Finchley just edged a split points win that could have really gone either way, with one of the judges giving the win to Gowler. This was another fantastic performance from Gowler against one of the best young boxers in the country at this weight. There’s no losing in amateur boxing, only learning and this will be a definite learning bout.

Rushaan RajaRushaan Raja
Rushaan Raja | other

All Peterborough Police ABC boxers will be in action at their home show on Saturday, 14th March at The Queen Katharine Academy, Peterborough. Tickets available from the boxers or Chris Baker on 07921095122.