Back wind sees Tony home

Tony Nisbitt.Tony Nisbitt.
Tony Nisbitt.
Fenland Rods were at Decoy Lakes on the Willows so it made sensefor me to get in on the action after taking the runner-up spot there from peg 25 in last week's Hotpoint AC fixture.

Amazingly l drew out of the bag first and peg 25 came out. Unfortunately a bitterly cold north east wind had arrived with a vengeance and spoilt proceedings and I limped home fourth with just 33lb 4oz and I might add frozen to the core.

Matchwinner Tony Nisbitt drew 27 at the back of the islands and was lucky enough to have back wind and calm waters. Take nothing away from him though he put in a solid performance on the pole with pellet and maggot to take a comfortable victory with 90lb 13oz.

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It was a great performance spoilt close to the end as he inexplicably saw his pole break in two. He may have picked up the winner’s pay-out but will be left with a hefty bill to get his pole sorted out.

Neil Garner on peg 14 came in second fishing rod and line tactics with meat for 52lb 15oz - not many fish but he was the only angler on the day to find a few better samples.

He was followed by Kevin Lee on 40lb 10oz. He fished the pole from peg eight and had a good late run of fish to 4lb taken on cat meat.


JVAC fished the Yew Pool at Decoy on Sunday and Roy Whincup took the honours. He left his pole in the holdall and concentrated all day on a maggot feeder approach from peg nine and it paid off.

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After a slow start he gradually started catching and by the final whistle he was well clear with a very good 94lb.

Second with 69lb 10oz on peg 12 was Terry Tribe, who only put six fish to the scales taken close in with cat meat.

Third was Nick Carlton on 62lb 10oz from peg 20.